Device Risk with Web SDK

Prior to executing a workflow that includes Device Risk, the Jumio Web SDK dynamically downloads third-party JavaScripts to access the required device data. Implement a reverse proxy in your own domain to redirect the script requests through your own servers. This avoids potential problems with browsers canceling third-party requests.

To Configure the Reverse Proxy:

  1. Set up a proxy configuration within your domain.

  2. Specify a URI for iojs on your site. Using the URI, forward any requests beginning with:

  3. Direct the proxy to forward the requests to the following URL:

Example NGINX Configuration

Edit the default.conf configuration file and add the following lines to the server section:

server {
    .. other configuration entries ...
    location /iojs/ {
    ... }

With a successful implementation there should be two upload calls after the end user presses the Start button. The second one should contain a request with a random string.

If you open the network tab of the developer console you should see that four files were fetched, with no errors.